
Catherine and Wa Wedding Banquet on 23 March 2024

Thanks so much for the Catering Team from Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong, particularly for their sales manager: Paisley Li, to give me a very good experience for my wedding banquet. One day in Oct 2023, I remember I called Paisley to arrange an immediate site inspection for the Crystal Room 1+2 and it’s fantastic she could make it within 30 minutes due to my urgent request. Even though it’s almost 5:30pm, she introduced the banquet details to my husband and me with patience and extremely good manner. This impressed us a lot and believed her professionalism must provide a reliable arrangement for our wedding, so we confirmed the booking at the same day with no doubt. Although we only held 5 tables for our wedding banquet, I always received efficient response from Paisley when I asked her any questions through WhatsApp and I can deeply feel she always put her best effort to serve me. This really made me feel released and need not to worry so much about the hotel’s arrangement. On the wedding night, everything was excellent in terms of hotel service and food quality! I was very satisfied there was an assigned staff to closely support me (as a bride) throughout that night with extra dedicated care, super sorry I forgot her name and she did a great job, thanks a lot! Also, the on-site manager provided great service with good monitoring over that night as well. After the banquet was finished, we tried to look for a stuff that we didn’t know where they were, the on-site manager could locate and tell us it was under my brother’s chair. Wow… it’s such an intimate service! After the banquet, I heard from my family and guests that they all enjoyed that night with wonderful service and tasteful foods. Again, thanks so much for your team’s professional service, I will highly recommend others to have their wedding banquet held in your hotel. Thanks & Rgds, Catherine

Eid Gathering Event on 21st April 2024

We wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for the wonderful Eid Gathering event held on 21st April 2024 that was organized and hosted at your hotel. The experience was truly exceptional as always, and we appreciate all the hard work and effort that went into making it a grand success. The event space was beautifully decorated and created the perfect ambiance for the occasion. The buffet lunch that was provided was absolutely delicious, and every dish was expertly prepared and presented. We also appreciate the attentive and friendly service that your staff provided throughout the event. Overall, we were thoroughly impressed with the level of professionalism and attention to detail that your team demonstrated. You truly went above and beyond to ensure that our Eid Gathering was a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees. Once again, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your outstanding work. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the future.

Vicky & King Wedding Banquet on 27 March 2023

Good evening. My name is Vicky, my husband King and I had our wedding banquet on 27 March at the Ballroom. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the hotel, especially Hazel from Catering Sales team for the remarkable services extended to us. From day 1 of discussion, Hazel was attentive, understanding, cater to our requirement, she is detail oriented, and made sure our day went as smooth as possible. Secondly we would like to thank Front Office / Room Service team, excellent arrangement, we are grateful for the early check in arrangement which made everything so much easier to organize afterwards. The staff are friendly, polite even though we saw a long queue ahead of us during check out. As a once a lifetime event, your hotel staff have truly made this day memorable for us, we cannot wait to come back and celebrate our future anniversaries for years to come. My apologies! I have omitted banquet service team! Jason and the team are wonderful from start to finish, from the food service, setup, to the service flow, down to the music arrangement, superb services. Chef did a great job too, we didn’t try the food until later in the evening, but from what I heard from friends and family, food is delicious! We appreciate chef came out and said hi to us which is wonderful surprise! Thank you.

Yanna & Demon on 21 May 2023

First of all, thanks for the amazing service on my wedding dinner. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication to our wedding. Your contributions have been invaluable to us, and I am grateful for all that you do. Specifically, I want to recognize your outstanding work on our wedding planning and schedule recommendation. You and the whole dining team provide excellent service and outstanding food quality to our guests. Once again, thank you for all that you and your team do. We appreciate your hard work and excellent service. We will highly recommend Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong to my friend and my business partners.

Jacqueline & Samuel Wedding Banquet on 27 May 2023

Hello! My name is Jacqueline Law and had a wedding dinner banquet held in your hotel recently. I would like to express my gratitude to all hotel staff helped throughout this event! They did a great job and made our guests feel pleasant all night long. Our guests feedback saying the service was great and food were delicious. I would also like to make a special thanks to hotel staff Karen, who was responsible for accompanying the bride! She was helpful and friendly. Last but not the least, I would like to thank you hotel staff Niki! She was patient and helpful, helping out to coordinate this event smoothly! It was surely a memorable night for me and Samuel. This event won’t be succeed without every single help! Thank you once again!

Ronald and Ping Ting

我們是 2021 年 9 月 26 日於 貴酒店舉行婚禮午宴的新郎 Ronald 和新娘 Ping Ting。我們特意來函表揚 貴酒店的服務和負責午宴的所有員工。 自從去年在 貴酒店預訂婚宴服務,我們已感受到宴會部員工的殷勤款待,對於我們提出的疑難,她們都耐心詳細地解答。數月以來,婚宴因疫情關係而改期,宴會部與我們仔細協調婚宴的細節,特別是要兼顧防疫措施和維持婚禮的可觀性,宴會部都積極配合,讓我們可以在防疫措施下舉辦了一個熱鬧和圓滿的婚禮。 當天午宴流程非常緊湊,短時間內要完成敬茶、證婚典禮、拍照等環節。宴會部員工和我們一起與時間競賽,作出迅速果斷的應變和行動,難度十分高!所有難題在他們手上都能迎刃而解,讓我們可以放心,只需專注做新郎和新娘的角色,無需擔心追趕流程和操心其他細節。在此特別感謝和表揚當天的宴會負責人Paul 及協助新娘的 Lam。 疫情影響下,賓客們都很少機會參與午宴,他們紛紛表示,當天的婚宴讓他們重拾久違的婚宴熱鬧氣氛。而且,他們對當天的午宴餸菜讚不絕口,員工們也細心照顧賓客的需要,麗晶殿的座位安排、佈置、舞台、燈光和音響等都極具質素。 感謝 Holiday Inn 團隊仝人為我們舉辦了一個高質素的婚宴,讓我們留下難忘和美好的回憶!祝願 Holiday Inn 客似雲來,宴會業務蒸蒸日上,各位員工工作愉快,身體健康! Ronald & Ping Ting 2021 年 10 月 26 日 你好,我是二零二一年九月二十六日於 貴酒店麗晶殿舉行婚禮午宴的新娘 Ping Ting,當天婚宴順利完成,特來函表揚新娘助手Lam。 當天步進麗晶殿,第一個跟我對話的不是親戚,而是 Lam。時間緊迫、風塵僕僕,Lam 的第一句說話來得簡單直接,說是當天協助我的助手,然後就立刻去準備敬茶。我很喜歡說話爽快的人, 直率不兜圈,準確無誤,一句話就能讓我放心。 我的婚紗是魚尾裙, 進場前在正門試了一會踢裙還是會踩裙, Lam 當機立斷,蹲在地上幫我把裙腳摺起讓我拿著進場,說很多新娘都是這樣的不用怕,一句話讓我緊張的心情紓緩下來。 整個婚禮上台落台無數次,Lam 每次都看準時機幫我摺裙,辛苦了她每次都蹲下來。而且,每次上落樓梯時她總是比我更快一步到達樓梯迎接我,攙扶我的手勢和時間非常熟練準確,好到我都快要完全倚賴她。 Lam 熟讀流程,從來沒有問我問題,而是一直配合我,在適當的時候就會提醒我。她的觀察能力極強,需要她的時候,名字還沒叫出口,她已經在身邊。她的表現淡定,不慌不忙,身材瘦小卻猶如一座泰山在我身旁。Lam 眼明手快,見微知著,姊妹們對她讚譽有加,長老們對她予以高度評價。 婚宴圓滿舉行,感謝 Lam 的貼心照顧,更有賴宴會部整體合作, 讓客人感到賓至如歸。祝 貴公司業務蒸蒸日上、生意興隆! Ping Ting 二零二一年十月二十六日

Jubi & Sammy

我想表揚一下貴酒店同事~Natalie Law! 我剛於10 Oct 2017於貴酒店辦喜宴,打從我上年在婚展遇到Natalie, 她對流程的熟悉度及對客人的熱誠度都十分投入及專業,令我走完一圈之後決定要將婚禮交給她! 她每次都細心講解,好有耐性,而且她的緊張程度亦會令我們相當有信心及放心,做事亦非常有交帶,email回覆很清晰,令我和先生都在當天非常緊張的情況下,將當日流程安排得相當好,再一次感謝你Natalie,貴公司能培育出這種優秀員工,實在值得表揚及加以栽培! 另外當晚經理Paul亦非常值得讚賞,全晚rundown都好趕,但Paul都盡量配合,而且賓客都十分滿意! 當晚隨時協助我的Karen,感謝你,你的耐性、溫柔、細心和關懷,令我緊張心情得以舒緩! 全晚餸菜十分出色,每位賓客都稱讚有加! 多謝Holiday Inn全個團隊能發揮團隊精神,提高超高水平的優質服務,令我同先生能擁有一個夢幻婚禮,一個Amazing的回憶! 祝大家工作愉快!Thanks you so much! Best regards, Jubi & Sammy

Elaine Lam & Thomas Wu’s Wedding on 19 Nov 2017

Thank you Stephanie. We are so happy to have you to be the one who responsible for our wedding. We and our guests are all have a wonderful and memorable night. This is all you and your team’s efforts. We really appreciate all your help and always give us friendly reminders. That makes our wedding full of happiness.